tuesday a group of us gathered at the green door. it was a lot of fun except i had to drive back to make it to class early wed. i've decided andrew owes me a piano solo at the piano bar next weekend! once back in LB i stopped by a friend's house who promised me entertainment. walking into a house w 8 drunk dudes, each holding a guitar or instrument of some sort and singing in unison was probably the best way to end the night.
yay erica.
scandalous deuxd.
txting each other.
we managed to keep this table all night. i really like tuesday night jazz nights and hope it stays kinda exclusive and doesn't get too hollywood stupid.
dance party on the couch.
elise had on a cute skirt so we needed a picture with the back...and she likes ass shots
i hate pictures.
erica has bedroom eyes in this pic. gross deuxd
of course the pics that im in dont have captions >: /
that's because i was too busy putting up a WALL.
Can I be photoshoped into a picture please?
haha, i'll see what i can do for the next post.
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