Sunday, August 24, 2008

"what's goin on....ohh what's goin onnn"

saturday evening began at cinespia where we watched hitchcock's "rear window"
we had so much food we didn't know what to deux.

i've realized we take the exact same picture, every time, just at a different location.

next time i'll bring you a bib : )
uh sara, way to hide the jack daniels over there.
oh ryan.
piano benches are good for so many things.
warming up.
working it out.
the lullaby that put elise to sleep.
that did NOT look like a cone bra!  my partner totally skipped the obvious "vogue" dance and opted for the above while trying to hint at a certain celebrity (madonna). psh.
2am cranium is fun...saturdays at the cemetery are fun. finally being 100% done with school is amazing.

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