Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heads Will Roll

I know I will have to see this, regardless of the reviews it receives.

In other news, the new YYYs album has proven to be quite a conversational piece in the office. Listening to it seems to draw people to my desk to sit & converse about the fluidity of it or Karen O's batshit crazy personality. This also makes me feel a lot less guilty about playing it every other day. I feel ridiculously on top of my shit & am now kind of bored. Nate & Fish (the two dudes I work most closely with, aside from my boss,) are over at AOL hanging out with the Rejects for their AOL sessions. I had to tell this dude who's been harassing me about his "fantasy musical" he sent over last week that unfortunately, we won't be able to help him with it. I listened to his heart break over the phone. He then asked if I could send his tattered 3-ring binder back to NY and/or whose door he should knock on next. I felt bad and wanted to tell him to keep on trying even though I read his script and know that the answer, no matter where he turns, will be "Pass."

I'm almost finished with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance & hate putting it down to live life. I've underlined so many excerpts and have even considered the fantasy of going on a motorcycle trip with some friends across a couple states. Sike. I still hate motorcycles as much as I always have but it has given me a new understanding for other people's love for them and the freedom they bring. I'm also a little into Dharma Bums and look forward to getting into East of Eden and Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf. Sometimes I wish I could pause everything to just sit & get all of the reading in I'm salivating over. I have this insatiable appetite for literature and the list of books just keeps growing.

I don't know what I'm going to do with out my Lost party tomorrow, it's become my absolute favorite part of the work week. Maybe I will cave & just go to the Pike w everyone-or maybe I will sit at home with some wine and read.

Betsy's baby shower is this weekend, it seems sureal to me. Life is moving fast right now & I just want to get the absolute most out of all of it.

and on one last note, have any of you guys been paying attention to the fashion shows the past couple weeks?? I haven't posted anything on them because there have just been too many amazing collections, I would'nt even known where to begin. Amazing.

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