give me a photo booth & an open bar & i'll pretty much do anything...or sit outside in the blazing sun, checking in snooty people & celebs.
it was all worth it bc i got to meet joseph gordon-levitt in all his gorgeousness.
i also met a couple other cool celebs...mario & miss usa.... honestly though, there were some other respectable people there that made me excited.
my scanner is not working, keeping me from scanning sara & my photobooth pics.
man this blog is on it's way to lame town, i need to get some pics up of all my adventures.
i promise to get on it soon. my mind has been one million places at once 24.7 lately.
i am watching the daily show right now.
jon stewart has jimmy carter on & he is talking about how different campaigning was when he ran. how little money was available to him & how his family split up and each campaigned in separate areas to cover more ground. as interested as i may be in politics and all the different elements of campaigns, one thing i will never be ok with is the ridiculous amount of money raised and blown on these elections. i can't help be feel it is an absolute waste. i would love nothing more than for a candidate to raise all that money and donate it to charities, using that money to illustrate this 'CHANGE' all the candidates of this upcoming election have promised. I would love for candidates to gain popularity through free press & the internet. I know, I know, I'm so naive and idealistic.
and one more thing.
i don't EVER want to hear the words 'miley cyrus' and 'vanity fair' in the same sentence again.
the fact that that has been considered such relevant news to so many news sources is nothing less than disheartening.