Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the great escape

I've just returned from my trip to FL.  It was relaxing & beautiful...exactly what I'd expected it to be.  The flight there was a different story.  Please, heed this warning: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT spend the night at a friend's house and drink copious amounts of clear alcoholic beverages the evening before an early morning flight.  No matter how much fun you're having, no matter how hilarious the game is you're playing, just say no.  Needless to say I felt like I'd been hit by a truck the next morning & kept my sunglasses on until I stepped out of the airport and into the warm Florida night.  
At least I wasn't alone though, my brothers and I had great company, Wonky McValtrex and her "remaining BFFs" (from what my brothers have told me.)  Paris & her skanks sat just rows in front of us, I should've just asked her if she had any good hang over remedies. 

(my dad attempting to give ian a few tips before walking over to the golf course.)

(my brothers are ridiculously better at bowling than i am.  i may or may not be a little resentful) 

(pretty much how every night ended.)

(reminding him that i am his older sister & should be treated w the utmost respect-and allowed to win everything, everytime.)

Oh Florida.  The people watching-fantastic.  The weather-not as bad as some say.  The escape, much needed & appreciated.

Now back to some good 'ol LA/LB fun.  I've missed you guys.

1 comment:

Dorty said...

not even one crocodile story, come on... (ok I'll admit that was the best Florida trip blog I have ever read, cheers!)